Day 1: Going to the Prison for the First Time



This trip the women are learning metal stamped jewelry. Even though we have had metal stamping classes in the past, it’s the first time for most of the women. That means we’re back to basics with the metal stamping and the women are practicing the basic techniques. 

Today we made metal stamped bracelets with special words or phrases and designs! For their very first time the women did an amazing job practicing the techniques and had a blast designing their bracelets. And they loved the creative aspect of metal stamping which opens up so many creative possibilities. 

Today was one of many firsts! Our first metal stamping class and Board President, Virginie’s, first time visiting the prison and meeting the women. Here’s what she says about her experience in the prison:

“The prison is a place where they have put a lot of effort into, the special room that they have for creation and textile work. And of course, what was phenomenal for me was to meet all the women that I’ve heard stories about, meet them in person, and see clearly how some of them are really into it and help the others. That was really fantastic to witness.”

At the end of the day, as we waited to leave the prison, a few of the women spoke to us about wanting ongoing support after they leave the prison. One of the problems they are facing is that when they leave the prison, there is no work for them. They want to continue using the skills that they’ve learned in the prison and take those skills to the outside.

Specifically they need access to the materials, a place to work, and orders. Which is where you come in! When you purchase our products you’re not just supporting the organization, you’re supporting the women.  The women are paid upfront for their work and all the proceeds from the products go back to the women in the form of more orders. 

While the orders generate income for the women, they also create more orders, which means more women have the opportunity to work and it creates ongoing income for the women. If you haven’t checked out our online store, please shop and support the women!


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